Professionals For Good

Sometimes it’s important that your thoughts extend beyond your business and your own needs.

There are a lot of people and animals in the world that are not quite as fortunate as us and the pets we own, so why not make a difference and look at the bigger picture. We have created a no-profit initiative where ANY veterinary or dental professional anywhere in the world can join a ‘giving’ community which they can integrate into their business. You don’t have to be an APL Accountants client, you don’t have to pay us for any services – all you need is a desire to do something special and be a B1G1 member.

APL Accountants proudly supports B1G1 ( with their wonderful and impactful giving culture and we invite ALL the wonderful people working in the veterinary industry who are already members of B1G1 to join our Hive on the B1G1 platform.

If you are not already a B1G1 member go here if to join B1G1 AND become a member of the hive:
If you are already a B1G1 member then just contact us and we will add you to the hive (no charge).

It won’t cost you anything if you are already a B1G1 member, but by simply adding yourself to this small B1G1 community you will get all the wonderful things B1G1 has to offer PLUS:

  • The ability to connect to other veterinarians and dentists doing the same thing all over the world
  • Ideas on how to connect to your customers and team by creating a giving culture in your business

Make a difference, become a B1G1 member and join us in our community : (if you are not a B1G1 member)
or just contact us if you are already a B1G1 member or just want to know more.

PS – if you are still wondering how this would work, here is a video and some information that will give you and idea of how amazing this really is:

These are the impacts our community of professionals has helped us with